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Banish ticks with “vodka cologne”

Lyme disease is the fastest growing bacterial illness in the U.S., with 30,000 new cases each year — but you can stay safe with a little vodka, shares Tourles.


To make her tick-repelling spray, just filla 2-02. spray bottle with 100-proof plain vodka, 12 drops of geranium essential oil and 12 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients and spritz. “The vodka is an important ingredient in the oils that significantly reduces the activity of ticks, maximizing their effectiveness,” she explains.


“It’s my favorite spray because it smells wonderful and works great!” Since healthy, natural repellents evaporate over time, just reapply every 30 minutes. “Focus your spritzing on your pants, from hips to ankles.”

Take advantage of our simple advice and become out of reach of dangerous ticks.

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